Friday, April 16, 2010

Florida Ridge

I started my 3+ hour drive from Wallaby Ranch towards the Florida Ridge yesterday afternoon.  I caught up with Bill C and Rich L on the road.  After some quick shouting across car lanes we stopped for lunch before continuing south.  James and Steve showed me the updates added since my last visit a year ago.  Also the trees have really grown and provide a lot of shade.  I pitched my tent, had a quick drink and dinner at the Gator Bait Pub, and then hit the sack.

Pilots continued to flow in on Friday.  At first it was too windy to tow, but the winds backed down and pilots needing air time to shakeout their equipment or skills took to the air.

 Charlie on tow

 Gliders in the sun

 Mike and Faye

 Davis on final

Almost everyone drove into LaBelle for dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  The Rob Kells Memorial Competition start tomorrow.

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