Monday, August 13, 2012

Better Lucky than Good

The weather forecast for the rest of the week was painted with pictures of dark clouds and rain.  Peter and I knew Tuesday could be a day of "driving and sledding", but it would be better than the rest of the week.  PK was eager to get reunited with his glider after its trip from Texas to my place, so he was also willing to take time off.  We couldn't decide to sled off tow behind Jim at Morningside or sled off the mountain at West Rutland as we left my place and were still undecided an hour later as we drove through Keene and approached the mandatory decision point.  Both options had advantages but we finally settled for foot-launching and a slightly better shot at soaring at West Rutland.

We met PK at the bottom and then John S, Bob, his daughter, and her friend at launch.  We were delighted to arrive to soarable conditions; the wind was stronger than predicted, thermals were blowing through, and wispy cumulus were forming.  Apparently the hazy humid air from the south had not yet moved in.

Bob launched first and immediately climbed above launch.  Although Bob warned John it was weak at times, John hurled his ATOS VR into the sky and also climbed out.  Us three late-comers each self-launched starting about 20 minutes later.  I was the last to launch.

Peter on launch

I slowly climbed in front of launch with Peter until I was high enough to fly further west and climb well above the ridge in a thermal.

Peter and launch

I flew to a cloud over the valley and drifted back to the ridge climbing in weak lift.  My weak climb merged with a climb PK and Peter were in over the ridge.  After topping out, PK flew directly south while I flew directly west.  I accidentally made the better choice as PK lost his precious altitude while I, flying crossing upwind, barely lost anything.

PK heading south

I flew to the west where John was flying.


The two of us glided into the basin south of a point called "Bird's Eye".

Bird's Eye basin


We played around for a long time, easily bouncing into the ceiling at 4400 feet (1350m).

I kept looking back at PK and Peter low on the ridge and wondering why they weren't getting higher.  I soon found out when I glided over to fly with them.  Ugh.  It was easy to stay up, but hard to get a climb out.

Looking towards launch from the south

John landed and then a short time later so did Peter.  Two visiting pilots showed up wanting to fly so PK also floated in and landed.  I decided to play along the ridge until John, Peter, and the visiting pilots reached launch.  I flew over, encouraged the pilots to step into great soaring conditions and then headed out to land myself.

Looking east past launch

We packed up, said goodbyes, and started our 3 hour drive home.  We stopped for dinner at the Pot Belly restaurant and pub in Ludlow and reflected on our lucky decision to go flying in spite of the bland forecast.  It was definitely better to be lucky than good.

Flights: 1, Duration: 3:39

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