It looked soarable when we arrived, so we setup with Allen across the road. Dan and George, who made the trek from New York and were setting up when we arrived, showed everyone it was soarable. With Allen and Randy's help I sauntered off launch into the air for what turned out to be a very sweet day.
The conditions were spot-on. Every little nook and cranny was soarable and crossing gaps was stress free; at least for me.
I flew locally with fellow pilots and birds before chasing Randy south to Nauset Light.
We then turned around and flew back past launch, picked up Rodger, and continued north to Highland Light.
After performing for the spectators at Highland Light, we raced back to launch. After diving launch for awhile, Randy and I made another fast round-trip to Highland Light.
Allen, Randy, Rodger, and I stopped for a late lunch before heading home. It was definitely a good time that has me already longing for another racing day at the cape.
Update: Randy posted a video.
Flights: 1, Duration: 2:48, Distance: 50.5 miles