Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Blowing Like Stink

Dean and I drove through the Blue Mountains on the day after Christmas and slowly made our way southwest to Deniliquin. It was an interesting, but long, drive.

It has been windy since I arrived in Deniliquin for the Australia Open. I am staying in nice room at the Deniliquin Golf Leisure Resort. The practice day was blown out but I drove out to the tow paddock to check it out. It is nothing but a large expanse of dry grassland. The car was blastered with splattered grasshoppers. They were so thick that their guts were slowly driping off the car 30 minutes later. Foul. We purchased some window screen to keep the radiator from plugging up.

I saw a couple of kangroo in the state park that is right behind the golf resort. I also saw a small hedgehog/porcupine animal with a name I don't remember right now. (The little critter is called an echidna. Thanks Linda for helping me out!)

The first day of the meet was also blown out. Maybe I can fly tomorrow. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

Uh Tom, You're supposed to be writing about how great the flying is so I can 'fester in my pool of jealous misery' or something like that. Well, I ain't doing much festering here! So get snappin'!


Anonymous said...


Stephan reports great flying in Valle....It's not to late to get in some real flying...maybe.

John G