Thursday, March 23, 2006


My flying season is about to begin.

I awoke at Wallaby Ranch today after a “leisurely” 19.5 hour 1320 mile trip from Littleton Massachusetts to Orlando Florida yesterday. I left at 4:00am, saw the sun rise somewhere near New York City, watched spring unfold before my eyes in a single day, and nearly got blown off a very high bridge along with the tractor-trailer rig behind me. Other than that, it was an uneventful trip and I even had enough energy left at the end of the day to chat with Aric Paulson before setting up my tent.

It rained today, so no flying and it looks blown out for the next couple of days. I got a tour of Steve Arndt’s new hut and caught up with a lot of friends.

I hope the weather cooperates soon so I can end my longest “grounding” to date. I hope I can remember how to fly. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, I guess we passed somewhere along I95 going in opposite directions. From the posts on the VHGA site it looks like I left 6 hours too soon. I hope you get a lot of good WX. Give my regards to Jeff and Doug. Lee

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

This is Mike Stout, one of the guys tenting out in the field for a few days down at Wallaby. Just curious- did you guys get to go up Saturday or Sunday? We're still planning another trip down some time, schedules permitting. Hope things are going well...


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, Is the lack of flying stories due to a lack of flying? Since I left I thought the flying would be great. BTW, Amy gave a great acceptance speech Saturday night at the dinner for your 1st place in the VHGA open class. Congratulations. Lee

Tom Lanning said...

Too bad I missed you Lee. You might have missed one good day, but the following 4 were crap.

Thanks for the message Mike. No one flew on Saturday and a few flew on Sunday at Quest but I didn't.

Lee, I passed the message on to Amy. Yep, no flying until Monday.