Monday, January 14, 2008


I think I have coped fairly well being grounded over 7 months but this last weekend was tough. We had a rare flyable weekend in the middle of winter and everyone, except me of course, was flying. It started when Amy and I visited Magic Wings in South Deerfield Massachusetts. Thousands of beautiful butterflies flittered around mocking me for being stuck to the ground like a slug. At least it was warm and humid like a summer day.

Afterwards we headed south to Mount Tom near Holyoke Massachusetts. We arrived in time to chat with Niece and Pat in the LZ while Barry, John, and Piotr slowly fought a strong smooth headwind away from the mountain after nice long flights. John kept us entertained with a deep stall and partial collapse on the way in. Meanwhile it seemed everyone else I knew was flying at Morningside Flight Park, Ellenville, or the Mohawk Trail. I was just getting over missing the January day of the decade when the coastal sites on Cape Cod gave up an endless day of dune soaring on Sunday.

I guess there's not much to do but grit my teeth, read everyone else's blogs, and wait for the arm to heal! (Meanwhile, here are some colorful wings.)


OB said...

Those are some dam fine photos Tom. Keep on the mend. ~OB

Tom Lanning said...

Thanks, glad you liked them. (I really enjoy your photos and always hope to find a blog post from you when I fire up my RSS reader).