Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beat the Wind

The wind was forecasted to increase during the day Wednesday so I tried to launch before it became too windy but after it became soar-able.  I also wanted to test some minor tuning I made to the new glider.  The staff at Wallaby Ranch were busy launching pilots test flying Wills Wing demo gliders all morning.  Once I saw pilots "almost soaring" I pushed out to the launch line.  I had a nice full tow and pushed upwind to the southwest looking for a climb.  Although there was some air going up, the wind was shredding the lift making it virtually unusable.  I managed a couple 500 foot (150m) climbs but turned tail and retreated to the ranch.  I sparred with a fire-thermal in a nearby orchard but succumbed to gravity after a few minutes.

Launching was suspended a bit later as tug pilots reported having trouble "keeping things under control" in the increasing wind.  I was happy I didn't delay any longer.

I spent the afternoon playing around the ranch.  One pilot, Bob, brought a "chopped down" glider he uses as a model to demonstrate how hang gliding works.  Very nice.

The "Captain" with the glider model

Two AirCams dropped in for a vist.

The ranch cooked pizzas for everyone in the neat looking oven after the sun went down.

We enjoyed great food, drink, friends, conversation, and music from two artists, one wielding a guitar and then later another playing traditional native-peoples' flutes and drums.  It was hard to image life getting any better.

Flights: 1, Duration: 0:15

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