Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Opening Day

It took most of the day for the overcast to clear and even by mid-afternoon cloudbase was still under 2000 feet (600m).  However, I wanted to get the 2015 flying season started, low cloudbase or not.

Tim, a new tug pilot, towed up a tandem glider, then Greg, and then me.  I wasn't surprised he was towing fast out of the field; its typical behavior for new tug pilots.  However, I was just able to keep in position and was hoping he would slow down once he cleared the tree line.  Instead of slowing down he entered a turn which I couldn't match.  I was soon high and on the outside.  I knew what comes next so I released.

Mark brought over a launch dolly after I landed and explained that Greg and I were Tim's first solo tows.  Greg landed soon after and also confirmed the too-fast tow speed.  I moved into position for another go.  As soon I as came out of the dolly my weak link broke.  Dang.  Nothing like landing in prop wash.

I took a breather, tied on a new weak link, and moved into line for another attempt.  This time we towed at a comfortable speed and Tim dropped me off above cloudbase.

There is a lot of water in Florida.

I flew west to join Greg in a smooth climb near base.

Greg flew further west while I stayed and glided between clouds and amongst the birds.

Here is some video for your amusement.

Flights: 3, Duration: 0:47

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to hang in there Thomas!!!!
HAHAHAAHA I crack myself up.
Hey to all the boys and girl. HOpe it gets really good!