I took a rest day yesterday. I didn't stray far from the shade tree, talking with people as they rotated through. Greg and Christie showed up from Wallaby so Greg could fly from Quest downwind to Wallaby. Dave launched and eventually landed a few miles downwind. Greg flew around the park awhile and decided to land back at Quest. Later in the afternoon Ollie, John Chambers, and I took lawn chairs out to the middle of the field near the windsock to watch the clinic's landing practice.
I wanted to fly early this morning with the new instrument pod I purchased yesterday, but thick low clouds ruled that out. I hopped into the Touareg and did some airspeed calibration out the window on a local back road. After breakfast I altered my hang strap with Marilyn's help. Dave was getting ready to push out to the launch line when I got back from lunch so I decided to join in. I really didn't have a plan, other than check out the new instrument pod. Dave and Jack Simmons were going to fly to Wallaby and the clinic was going to
Fantasy of Flight. I launched after Dave and pinned off around 1800 feet in light lift. I snagged my shoe lace in my harness zipper when I went to zip up. I could not zip up or down and couldn't get my foot out of the boot. Crap. I was trying to get my foot free as I fell out of my climb and quickly drifted past the airfield. After some tense moments I ripped the shoe lace free and finally managed to zip up. I was now low and quickly drifting away from the field. I kept running lift lines upwind and finally connected with a reasonable climb to around 3000 feet.

I finally caught up with Dave and was ready to head downwind to Wallaby when Dave took off to the west (Wallaby is to the south east). I wasn't sure what Dave was up to since he wasn't talking on the radio. Oh well, maybe he decided to skip the trip to Wallaby. About that time I noticed a student trying to find a climb to the south and I cruised over to see if I could help them find a good climb. I did find a moderate climb, but the student left to the north and I decided to part ways. I headed west catching a slow climb over a swamp. I drifted down wind going field to field back to Route 33. I finally came to a lake and decided it was time to give it up. I landed in a pasture field and was soon surrounded by new "friends".

Julie picked me up and we were soon on our way to Wallaby to pick up Dave, Jack, and Keith. It was nice chatting with everyone at the ranch.
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