Sunday, April 02, 2006

Two-for-One Special

Paul Tjaden had a tough time getting the flex wing pilots motivated to fly a 57 mile triangle today. The field was covered with thick low clouds until 9:30 and even by 1:30 pilots were returning to the field empty-handed. The XC clinic was going to fly a short 15 mile triangle and I decided to fly along with them. I launched after Paul (who decided to fly the longer triangle course) and quickly climbed to cloud base. I kept in contact with Paul as he headed north for the long course and I headed east for the short course.

Earlier today I finally found a way to store and retrieve my digital camera in flight. I’ll be posting more in-flight pictures from now on.

I completed the course about the time the clinic pilots were starting their run. I decided to do the course again. I raced back to a quick climb I passed through on the way into goal and was soon flying with the leading group of students. About that time I noticed the sky clearing to the west which suggested a sea breeze front was approaching. Paul, who had been doing well, radioed he was going to land in a sea breeze. I could have returned to Quest at that point, but decided to finish the course for the second time as quickly as I could. I ran hard to the second turn point and then headed home. I got back the field and raced to the ground before the bulk of the students arrived so I could to enjoy the “show” as everyone landed in the brisk west wind. A record of the flight is available online. (The scoring for the HOLC does not handle doing the same course twice very well.)

Today marks the 7th straight day I have flown cross-country. The weather has been good; I wonder how long it will last.


Todd Sheehan said...

Tom, How do you store your camera and access it during flight???

Thanks for posting and good luck during the meet!!!

Blogg @

Tom Lanning said...

I stow the camera in a side pocket in my Moyes Matrix harness. I tried to use a bungee before, but I had too much trouble getting everything back into the pocket. Yesterday I tried one of those plastic "key retractor" things people use on their belts. It worked just great. I could pull the camera out, take the picture, and then put it back without worrying about the safety line.

Anonymous said...

Ok - we need more...more more more...I need a plane ticket - perhaps for this or next weekend ! but in case that silly idea get's veto'ed - feed us more stuff !

Fly safe Tom....
