Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Flytec Rally (Day 3)

Challenging day today in the air as we fought a west southwest wind and a sea breeze as we worked our way north from Williston Florida to Moultrie Georgia over 140 miles (255 km) away.  We towed from a nice little flower-covered north-south grass strip that had trees on the western edge.  We worried about rotor but it wasn't too bad.

I quickly drifted to the northeast after releasing, but worked by way around to the northwest edge of the start circle and headed west after leaving with Campbell and Linda long after the lead gaggle left.  I ventured just a little too far and got worked over by some very rough air at the boundary and decided to reverse course and head inland to smoother air.  By the time I did that I lost most of the remaining gliders.

I had a couple good climbs that allowed me to catch up with Lucas and Charlie.  We made some progress, but were getting blown east of the course line.  I watched Charlie land northwest of Gainesville and shortly after Patrick joined Lucas and I.  We made good time and spent a few climbs with Russell in his sail plane as we circled around a large bulge in the sea breeze front.

Approaching the stalled front and storms to the north looked like heading to Mordor from "The Lord of the Rings".  The lift died off but the wind continued.  All three of us were low and I was heading to an LZ when I stumbled into some weak lift.  Lucas and I climbed out but Patrick didn't make it.  Lucas headed west and I headed northwest for a couple more climbs.  I watched Lucas land as I flew a couple miles further and circled down to a nice LZ with nothing but trees beyond.  I was 73 miles (117 km) short.

I drove around town last night and was delighted by the beautiful courthouse in the middle of town.

Flights: 1, Time: 4:24, Distance: 73 miles

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