Sunday, April 05, 2015

Green Swamp Sport Klassic (Day 1)

The forecast last night called for strong winds all day, however the morning forecast showed moderate winds mid-day.  So we hastily put together task and safety committees and prepared to fly.

After briefing the safety committee, I quickly setup and moved my glider to the staging area.  Almost immediately I became concerned with both the wind speed and direction (northeast).  Not enough to stop anything, but enough to warrant watching.

No one wanted to go when the launch window opened at 1:00.  Finally pilots began trickling into line and then into the air.  Some tows were fine while others were "sporty".  No one stuck for a long time.

As the parade of sledding gliders continued the winds got stronger, pilots (both hang glider and tow plane) began commenting on the texture of the air, and finally the task committee and the launch director decided to stop the task.

I think Larry and Jeff were the only pilots to get away from the field.

Most of the mentors held debriefing sessions with their group and then everyone wandered off for a shower, dinner, and drinks.

Flights: 0

1 comment:

Lee M. said...

Tom, you must be flying your brains out in Florida as it has been 10 days since your last post! Inquiring minds want to know, what's up?